With the aim of making a concrete contribution to reducing unemployment and poverty by producing skilled and skilled manpower capable of utilizing employment opportunities by providing the country's human resources with knowledge and skills suited to the national and international market. Vocational Training Centre, Biratnagar was established in 2016 at Biratnagar Jute Mill premises. B.S. Established in 2034 as Labor Supply Center, Ethari and preparing the necessary skilled manpower for industrial factories. In the year 2039, it was established as a skill development training center, Itahari, with the aim of providing employment and self-employment to the unemployed youth. Later V.No. In 2061, according to the decision of the government, Vocational Training Center, Biratnagar, Skill Development Training Center, Katari, Skill Development Training Center, Okhaldhunga and Skill Development Training Center, Itahari were merged into one, Vocational and Skill Development Training Center, Itahari and changed to provide skill-based training in various subjects. According to the structure, according to the time and market demand, the subjects of skill training have been modified and manpower who can compete in the national and international labor market has been prepared. Vocational and skill development training centers were established under the Ministry of Labor and Employment in 16 different locations with the aim of increasing access to skill training for the youth scattered in different parts of the country and producing skilled manpower to create employment and self-employment. Three (3) training centers were established in Bhaisepati, Butwal and Itahari. In 2075, it was decided to remain as a professional and skill development training institute under the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security. In addition, the rank structure of the old training center has also been modified and currently the rank structure of 13 employees including the Executive Director (R.P. II rank) has been established. General mechanics, electrical connection, plumbing, hairdressing, cutting and sewing, electronics repair, mobile phone repair, motorcycle repair, automechanics, computer, cook, housekeeping, cleaner and other skills trainings are being conducted in the establishment.

Executive Director

अशोक शाह
Information Officer